PROJECT: Notably


Notably is for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing notes. More importantly, Notably is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Notably can get your notes taken down faster than traditional GUI apps.

Summary of contributions

  • Major enhancement: Completely overhauled the original user interface to meet the new application’s demands.*

    • What it does:

      • Adds a Side Bar that allows the user to view his notes in a hierarchy, and track the location of the currently opened note.

      • Adds an Edit Modal that allows the user to edit his notes, as well as the ability for the user to quickly save and edit the editing mode with the press of one key.

      • Adds a Response Text that gives realtime feedback to the user on what he is typing in the command box.

      • Adds a Suggestion Window that displays suggested items to the user in the form of a list. This list needs to support dynamic resizing as the number of suggestions continuously changes.

      • Adds a Web View that allows for the content of the user’s note, and other metadata (information on path location and title) to be displayed to the user.

    • Justification:

      • The Side Bar overcomes the challenges that are present in using a command-line like app; ie the user sometimes gets "lost" and is unable to visualise the organisation of his notes. The ability to effectively organise notes is critical to meeting our use case.

      • The Edit Modal allows for a very fast editing process. The user types "edit", the modal opens. He can immediately make changes. He presses "esc", the modal closes. This makes the process fast for users that use the keyboard.

      • The Response Text ensures the user does not get confused while using the app; ie this feature is crucial for ensuring ease of use, especially in an app that discourages the use of the mouse in favour of the keyboard.

      • The Suggestion Window allows the heavy-lifting done by the back end of the application to be visualised meaningfully by the user in a list format.

      • The Web View allows for the Markdown feature to be leveraged, and visualised to the user.

    • Highlights:

      • The interface of Notably is crucial for manifesting its core features (suggestions engine, markdown compiler, parser), and required a lot of teamwork and communication with my collaborators, including an understanding of API programming, to be able to stitch together their features.

      • Much attention to detail is also present in the user interface with regards to styling and the user interactions (e.g. pressing the down key and up key allows the user to seamlessly navigate to the suggestions list and the command box).

      • It was a challenge implementing certain UI enhancements (components such as the edit modal must listen to changes to be dynamically resized and updated) and therefore involved a deep understanding of the inner workings of JavaFx (e.g. observer pattern, MVC pattern, FXML). Furthermore, no third parties were used to achieve the UI functionality, which was a challenge.

    • Credits:

  • Minor enhancement:

    • Updated the Model by creating a ViewStateModel that comprises of several other interfaces. These interfaces contain the state for the View components (e.g. Help Modal, Edit Modal, SideBar etc)

  • Code contributed: [Functional code] [Test code]

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Facilitated through GitHub using the branching, and PR workflow, and using issue tracker.

    • Documentation:

      • UG Introduction, and UG description of Edit Command: 502

      • Added new UiClassDiagram.png and added new use case for Editing Command.

    • Community:

      • PRs reviewed (with non-trivial review comments): #244, #323, amongst others.

Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

An Introduction to Notably

The following 3 diagrams (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3) highlight key sections of Notably’s user interface. Refer to the description below each diagram for more information.

Figure 1. Notably GUI legends
  1. As shown in the top-left hand corner of the diagram above, Notably’s Sidebar allows you to systematically organise your notes in a hierarchical manner.

  2. As shown in the centre of the diagram above, Notably allows you to view the content of your notes in a structured way.

  3. As shown in the top-centre of the diagram above, you can interact with Notably by typing certain commands.

Figure 2. Notably GUI legends (continued)
  1. As highlighted in diagram above, Notably’s response text provides you with constant feedback and guidance with every keystroke.

  2. Notably helps you to find what you’re looking for by intelligently providing you with a list of suggestions.

Figure 3. Notably GUI legends (continued)
  1. As shown in the diagram above, Notably allows you to edit and customise your notes in a fuss free manner.

Edit an existing note: edit

If you want to change the BODY content of the currently opened note, use the edit command. This command opens an editing window where you can update the existing BODY of the note.

Format: edit

Example: Editing the currently opened note

  1. As shown in Step 1, let’s update the BODY content of the currently opened note Workspace with the command:

  2. An Edit modal will appear on your screen, as shown in Step 2. You will now be able to edit the content of the currently open note.

  3. Once done, press Esc to close the modal. Any changes made to the content of the note are automatically saved when you do so.

Figure 4. Step 1 - Demo for the edit command (Typing the edit command)
Figure 5. Step 2 - Demo for the edit command (Interacting with the Edit modal)
  • Instead of editing a note in plain text, leverage Notably’s Markdown feature to better organise the text in your note!

  • You can copy and paste text in the edit modal, as per the conventional keyboard shortcuts CMD/CTRL + c and CMD/CTRL + v respectively.

  • You are not allowed to edit the root note, i.e when your currently opened path is "/"

Delete a note: delete

If you no longer need a note, or if you have accidentally created a wrong note, don’t worry! You can always delete that note.

Format: delete [-t] AbsolutePath/RelativePath

  • Requires prior understanding of AbsolutePath and RelativePath. You can refer here for an explanation

  • Deleting a note will also delete its child notes. Be very careful! You can refer to the example below for an illustration

  • Deleting the root note (i.e. delete /) is prohibited.

  • You can delete the currently open note using the command delete .

  • Want to save some time? Drop the optional -t flag and use the d shorthand instead of delete

    • d AbsolutePath/RelativePath

Example: Deleting a note under the currently open note

  1. Let’s delete the Notably note using this command:

    delete -t Notably
    • The currently open note is Workspace

    • The above example uses RelativePath. You can achieve the same result as above by using an AbsolutePath instead by executing delete -t /Workspace/Notably.

      • Not sure about AbsolutePath and RelativePath? You can refer here for a clearer explanation

  2. The note with the title Notably is deleted successfully since it exists!

    • Another Note, CS2103 and ST2334 are immediately deleted as well since they are notes under Notably

    Figure 6. Step 1 - Key in the example command
    Figure 7. Final state after deletion

Deleting the currently open note

  1. In this example, Notably is the currently open note. Let’s delete it using the command:

    delete .
    • The . in the command is a RelativePath that points to the path of the currently open note

  2. Notably note is deleted and the currently open note is now Workspace

    • This will change the currently open note to the deleted note’s parent note

    Figure 8. Step 1 - Key in the example command
    Figure 9. Final state after deletion

Find a note based on certain keywords: search

If you need to look for a note that contains a specific keyword in its content, use the search command and Notably will show you the search results sorted by the number of matches in the note. The note with the highest number of match will be at the top of the list, so that you can access it faster.
Format: search [-s] KEYWORD

  • search looks through all the notes that you have

  • Partial matches work as well! It means that when you have a set of notes containing the word "lecture" but no "lect" as a word on its own, you can just type search lect and Notably will still show you a list of notes containing the word "lecture", as "lect" is part of the word "lecture".

  • Matches are case insensitive, meaning it will find the word no matter if it is in uppercase or lowercase or even mixed-case

Example: Searching for the keyword "Computer science"

Let’s look for the keyword "Computer science" if it exists in any of the notes that you have saved in Notably.

search -s Computer science

If the word "Computer science" exists, a list of suggestions will be generated. This list will be sorted in descending order of the number of matches, i.e. the note with the highest number of matches will be at the top of the list, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 10. Demo for the search command: keyword found

Let’s say the first option /Workspace/Notably/CS2103/Project is the note you are looking for. You may press and Enter to open the note. The figure below illustrates how the note chosen will be opened and the command line box is cleared.

Figure 11. Demo for the search command: open a note with the searched keyword

If the keyword you are looking for does not exist in any of your notes, no suggestions will be generated, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 12. Demo for the search command: keyword not found

Save the data

Your notes are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually!

Also, your currently opened note and window size (of Notably) is also saved every time it changes so that you can continue where you left off the next time you start Notably!

Auto suggestions

As you type, Notably will provide you with suggestions. You can press the keyboard button followed by Enter to select any suggestion in the list.

For example, as you type open -t Notably, a list of suggestions will be generated as seen in the figure below.

Figure 13. Demo for the suggestions feature: Suggestions are generated as the user keys in his input

Let’s say you would like to choose the option /Workspace/Notably/Another Note. After pressing to reach that suggestion and pressing Enter, the command input line will be auto-filled by the suggestion, as seen in the figure below.

Figure 14. Demo for the suggestions feature: The user input is auto-completed when the user selects a suggestion

If no suggestion list is generated for the command open, delete or search, it means the path, title, or keyword cannot be found anywhere in Notably, as seen in the figures below.

Figure 15. Demo for the suggestions feature: The user inputs a path/ title that does not exist in his Notably app, thus no suggestion list is generated
Figure 16. Demo for the suggestions feature: The user inputs a keyword that does not exist in any of his notes, thus no suggestion list is generated

(Coming in v2.0) Suggestion response text when opening or deleting a parent note

Variations of path with ../ (e.g. open ../, open Note/../Note, etc.) will not generate a comprehensive response text. Currently, typing open ../ will generate a response text of Open a note titled "../" instead of Open a parent note.

Auto correction

Notably will try its best to correct your mistypes automatically, as long as your mistyped inputs are not too far away from the understood commands. This provides you with a more fluid typing experience!

Notably’s auto correction feature works on two aspects of your typing:

  1. It auto corrects command names, where command names refers to open, search, delete, edit, and others. For example, Notably will correct the mistyped command name opne to open.

  2. It auto corrects the Paths of notes. For example, depending on the notes that exist in your database, Notably might correct /Notaby to /Notably.

See the example below for more information.

Example: Auto correcting user input

Even though the user types in the command name opne, Notably is still able to recognise this as an open command.
In addition, the inputted RelativePath Notaby is understood by Notably, even though there’s no note in the database with the title Notaby. Instead, there exists a note in the database with the RelativePath Notably.
After corrections are done, a list of suggestions will be generated as if the user has inputted open -t Notably!
Figure 17. Demo for the auto correction feature

Response text

Notably also displays a response text which enables you to understand the meaning of the input you type and shows an error message when your input is invalid.

For example, if you type open /CS, the response text will indicates that you are trying to Open a note titled "/CS", as seen in the figure below.

Figure 18. Demo for the response text feature: open command

On the other hand, if you key in an invalid command, the response text will display an error message as seen in the figure below.

Figure 19. Demo for the response text feature: invalid command

Markdown (GitHub Flavored Markdown)

We use the term Markdown and GitHub Flavored Markdown interchangably in this document.

Notably supports basic GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) as the BODY content of a note. By supporting Markdown, we hope to enhance your typing experience even further. You can simply type your note in Markdown, and it’ll take care of displaying the content of your note in a nice layout for you.

Currently supported syntax of GitHub Flavored Markdown in Notably consists of:

# Level 1 header
## Level 2 header
### Level 3 header
#### Level 4 header
##### Level 5 header
###### Level 6 header
  • Lists and List items

    Currently, only unordered lists are supported. In addition, only the hyphen - symbol is supported to be used as the list bullets.
- List item
- Another list item
  - A nested list item
    - A deeper nested list item
- Last list item
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin dictum accumsan nunc sed feugiat.

Example: Writing your note in Markdown

For example, you might write your note as follows:

# Hello Notably

Notably is for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing notes.
More importantly, Notably is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

## Getting started

- Ensure you have Java `11` or above installed in your Computer.
- Download the latest[notably.jar]
- Double-click the file to start the app. The Application should start in a few seconds.

(Coming in v2.0) More complete support of Markdown syntax

In our v2.0 release, we’ll be supporting the following additional Markdown syntax:

*This text will get italicised*
**This text will get bold**
~~This text will get a strikethrough treatment~~

The sidebar is where you can see your notes in a neatly organised way, reminiscent of a file browser in an Operating System.

  • The sidebar only shows up to 3 levels of notes at a single time.

    • The 3 levels will compromise of the:

      • currently open note and its siblings

      • its parent note

      • its children notes

    • This will be demonstrated in the following diagrams, with Workspace as the level 1 note

      • There is no level 0 note (root) that is displayed in the sidebar

Figure 20. Before and after opening a level 2 note
Figure 21. Before and after opening a level 3 note


Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Notably folder.

Command Summary

  • View help: help

  • Exit the program: exit

  • Create a new note: new -t TITLE [-o]

  • Open an existing note: open [-t] AbsolutePath/Relativepath

  • Opens an editing window to edit the currently opened note: edit

  • Delete a note: delete [-t] AbsolutePath/Relativepath

  • Find a note based on certain keywords: search [-s] KEYWORD

Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.


Figure 22. Structure of the View Component


The View consists of a MainWindow that is made up of parts e.g.CommandBox, SuggestionsList, SideBarTree, HelpModal, BlockContent etc. All these, including the MainWindow, inherit from the abstract ViewPart class.

The View component uses JavaFx framework. The layout of these View parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the layout of the MainWindow is specified in MainWindow.fxml

The View component,

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.

  • Listens for changes to Model data so that the View can be updated with the modified data.

Use case: Quickly Edit notes using the Edit Modal


  1. User invokes edit command by typing "edit" in the command box.

  2. Notably immediately opens an edit modal for the currently open note to allow for editing.

  3. User presses a keyboard shortcut ("ESC").

  4. Notably saves the user’s changes

  5. Notably closes the edit modal.

    Use case ends.


  • 2a. User does not make any edits to the content of the note.

    Proceed to 3 first, then resume use case from 5.

  • 2b. User edits the content of the note.

    Use case continues from 3.